My dating storiy on Translr

I met my current boyfriend in a strange twist of fate. He's made me a better person.Yes, I can bravely say that Trans dating app Translr has blessed me and it has helped me a lot :) . When life is stressful, whom to turn to is a constant question I have. Six months ago, I woke up with a hangover in a queen room in NYC. 

My eyes are swollen because my boyfriend and I broke up on the phone a few hours ago. I feel bad because for Trans women, we always take this relationship seriously. But I still failed. I slept for over eight hours to give myself some relief. When I realized it was almost noon, I jumped in the shower, shaved my legs, fired up my phone and downloaded Translr. Glad I made the right decision in such a sad situation. It is better to start a new journey than to be sad all the time. I met Sam in this app, he is such a gentle and patient gentleman.

I am not sure what's going on in the future, will cherish what I have now. Also thans Translr